for your self-care tool kit

Personalised EFT Tapping Script

For those who are craving a deeper connection to self!

This offering has been created to support you in connecting with yourself on a deeper level and leaning into the person you came here to be in this lifetime.

The two of us will initially have a 1-1 discovery call (about 30-45 mins) to go over the key components of your natal chart (your sun, moon and rising sign), get an idea of where you’re at currently, and where you want to be going.

After this call, I will create a EFT Tapping Script for you, channelled and curated specifically to support you in connecting back with who you are at your core, which will be a become a beautiful tool for your journey of self-connection. I recommend initially using this EFT script every day for 21 days, and then afterwards as you feel intuitively called to.

This offering is aligned for those who:
~ Are committed to showing up for themselves on a consistent basis
~ Have heard of / experienced EFT Tapping before
~ Are familiar with Astrology (i.e. know what their star sign is)
~ Are excited about the thought of accepting themselves fully and leaning into their authentic expression

This offering is not aligned for those who:
~ Want a “quick-fix”
~ Aren’t committed to being consistent in the way they show up for themselves
~ Aren’t open-minded
~ Are completely unfamiliar with Astrology or EFT Tapping
~ Connect with their spirituality in the “old paradigm” way

Note: Please allow for a 14-day turnaround time between the time of our call and receiving your personalised script.